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Davide Gentile

Cinematic Narrative

Beauty & Travel + Branded Content

Davide has a unique ability to draw in viewers by building tension, and to elicit a deep emotional response from them, all whilst presenting stories in a rich tapestry of images. Take for example his Bose "Music is my language" campaign; the work oozes such richness, from casting, choice of framing, use of music and sound design, to editing. He is a director that knows how to put to use every tool of his craft. 

Both a Gold and a Silver winner of the CFP-E (European Federation for Commercial Film Producers) & SHOTS Young Director Award at Cannes, for his World Health Day "Food For Thought" film, a slow burning thriller that nods to the work of Tarantino and the Coen Brothers while commenting on the pervasive influence of junk food on modern society. 2023 saw the release of his first feature film, “Denti Da Squalo” (Shark Tooth) to solid reviews.